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    Hjem Sprogskole Want to learn Danish?

Want to learn Danish?

Here’s How to Get Started

To start the Danish language program, you must be at least 18 years old, have received your CPR number, and live in Denmark. You are entitled to free Danish classes for up to five years after arriving in Denmark. You received a letter about your Danish education in your digital e-box when you moved to Denmark. CDI offers the official Danish education program.

Sign Up:

You must contact your municipality’s Jobcenter to start the Danish language program.

If you live in Køge Municipality, contact Jobcenter Køge:

Opening Hours – Jobcenter Køge

📍 Address: Torvet 1, 4600 Køge
📞 Phone: 56 67 66 80

🕒 Opening Hours:

Monday – Wednesday: 09:00 – 14:00
Thursday: 12:00 – 18:00
Friday: 09:00 – 13:00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

If you do not live in Køge Municipality, you can find the Jobcenter contact details on your municipality's website.

Once you have contacted the Jobcenter, they will send us a referral. We will contact you and schedule a meeting as soon as possible.

Consultation and Start-Up

Before you can begin the Danish language program, you must attend a consultation. Here, you will meet with one of our counselors. During the meeting, you will discuss your educational background and take a language test to determine the best level for you. You will typically be able to start within 1-2 weeks.

Learn more about the Danish language program here.


If you are not eligible for free Danish language education, you can choose to pay for the classes. You decide the duration and number of lessons, but we offer a minimum of 6 lessons per week. The maximum number of lessons is 12 per week. Learn more about your options as a self-payer further below.

Get More Information:

  • The teachers at CDI are highly experienced and skilled at teaching.
  • There is excellent cooperation between the teachers and the job center staff.
  • At CDI, there is a welcoming atmosphere, and you get to know your fellow students and teachers very well.

You can choose between day, evening, and online classes.

Class Times:

Day: 8:30 - 12:00 / 12:30 - 4:00
Evening: 5:00 - 7:35
Online: Scheduled individually

During the day, you attend school three days a week. For example, one morning and two afternoons, or one afternoon and two mornings. In day classes, you will have 12 lessons per week. In the evening, you have classes on two evenings. In the evening program, you will have 6 lessons per week.

Danish Online is tailored individually. You should expect to spend around 4-6 hours per week on Danish lessons.

It takes about 2.5 years to complete the entire Danish language program.

The Danish language program is free, but self-supporting participants must pay a deposit of DKK 2,000 before starting.

You must pay the deposit if you:

  • Are in Denmark to study or work.
  • Are the spouse/partner of a person who is in Denmark to study or work.
  • Are family reunified with a Danish citizen under EU rules.

You will automatically receive your deposit back after you pass your Danish Test.

You will also automatically receive your deposit back if you pass a module test within the time frame and do not wish to continue to the next module.

We always refund your deposit to your NEM account.

You lose your deposit if:

  • You leave the Danish language program without passing a module test or the Danish Test.
  • You do not pass your module test within the maximum time frame.

Once you lose your deposit, you must pay a new deposit when you start your next module.

Maximum time frame for Danish language program Modules 1, 2, and 3:

  • Module 1: Max. 6 months
  • Module 2: Max. 6 months
  • Module 3: Max. 7 months
  • Module 4: Max. 8 months
  • Module 5: Max. 9 months
  • Module 6: Max. 9 months

You must pay the deposit before you can have a consultation with a counselor.


If you wish to start Danish lessons as a self-payer, you must contact the reception either by calling us at +45 56 67 66 60 or by sending an email to

🔹 Important: If you are sending private or sensitive information, such as your CPR number, you must use secure email. Click here to send a secure email.

Are you unsure whether you are eligible for free Danish education? You can contact the job center in the municipality where you live to inquire about your options.

Have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

If you are not eligible for free Danish language education, you have the option to sign up as a self-payer. The price is DKK 126 per lesson (2025), and you can choose from the following course options:

🔹 Day Program: 3 times a week – 12 lessons per week
Monthly price (approx. 4 weeks): DKK 6,048

🔹 Evening Program: 2 times a week – 6 lessons per week
Monthly price (approx. 4 weeks): DKK 3,024

You will be billed for your lessons monthly.

Important: If you take time off for vacation, are sick, or are otherwise unable to attend class, it’s important to contact the reception at +45 56 67 66 60 or by email at If we haven’t heard from you before the class starts, you will be considered present, and you will be charged for the lesson.

Who is eligible for Danish Education?

If you can answer yes to the questions below, you are likely eligible for Danish language education funded by the municipality.

  • Have you arrived in Denmark within the last 5 years?
  • Do you have a Danish CPR number?
  • Do you have an address in Denmark?

What are you entitled to?
You are entitled to complete one Danish language program (either DU1, DU2, or DU3).
You must complete the program within a 5-year period. This period starts automatically when you receive a letter from your municipality offering Danish language education.

Each of the three Danish language programs has milestones that must be passed during the program (module tests). Both DU1, DU2, and DU3 all conclude with an exam.

Join our free Danish classes today! Start til gratis danskundervisning i dag

Center for Dansk og Integration

Ølbycenter 53

4600 Køge

CVR: 29 18 93 74

Telefon: 56 67 66 60


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