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International Projects

Overview of CDI’s International Projects and European Collaborations

    Hjem International projects

Velkommen til vores internationale projektside! Her kan du finde information om og følge med i vores spændende internationale projekter, som er støttet af EU, Erasmus+ og andre fonde. Projekterne udføres i tværnationale arbejdsgrupper og har alle til formål at fremme integration, udvikling og undervisning. Vi er stolte af at bidrage til at skabe stærke fællesskaber og innovative løsninger, der understøtter Center for Dansk og Integrations værdier. Dyk ned i vores projekter og se, hvordan vi arbejder for en bedre fremtid gennem samarbejde og vidensdeling på tværs af grænser.


Welcome to our international project page! Here, you can explore and stay updated on our exciting international projects, supported by the EU, Erasmus+, and other funds. These projects are carried out in multinational working groups and aim to promote integration, development, and education. We are proud to contribute to building strong communities and innovative solutions that reflect the values of the Center for Danish and Integration. Dive into our projects and discover how we work towards a better future through collaboration and knowledge sharing across borders.

Center for Danish and Integration (CDI)

CDI, under Køge Municipality, offers Danish language courses for residents of Køge and Stevns Municipality and handles refugee integration and social housing in Køge. The institution employs 30 staff members (17 teachers and 13 administrative workers).

Courses in Danish
CDI serves 400 students in Danish language programs, emphasizing integration through active participation in society. This approach earned the Annual Education Award in 2014.

CDI works with asylum centers to integrate refugees locally, coordinates social housing, and supports Køge Municipality's Integration Council. It manages the reception of Ukrainian refugees (350 currently), collaborating with municipal departments on housing, education, and services.

Activities and Experience

While new to Erasmus+ projects, CDI aims to foster European partnerships, promote lifelong learning, and fight social exclusion and xenophobia. The organization supports tolerance, intercultural understanding, and European citizenship through projects and initiatives.

Leadership and Project Management

  • Head of CDI: Anne Kirstine Noehr
    Anne leads strategic, economic, and political development. With expertise in integration, Danish culture, and bilingualism, she holds degrees in Danish, psychology, and Public Governance.

  • Project Coordinator: Irina Grauengaard
    Irina manages refugee reception and Erasmus+ projects. With extensive experience in European initiatives, she coordinates activities and ensures successful project execution.

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Center for Dansk og Integration

Ølbycenter 53 

4600 Køge

CVR: 29 18 93 74

Telefon: 56 67 66 60


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