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GREAT Project

KA229 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices. School Exchange Partnership 2020-2022

"GREAT" is Erasmus+ KA229 school exchange partnership project

Summary of the project (in Danish):

Ifølge UNHCR's rapport Forced Displacement 2016 bliver 20 mennesker fordrevet hvert minut på grund af forfølgelse, konflikt og vold. Flygtninge påvirker værtslandene økonomisk, socialt og kulturelt, og konsekvenserne kan være både positive og negative, afhængigt af politiske, økonomiske og sociale faktorer. For at fremme en sund integration arbejder EU på initiativer, der styrker flygtninges relationer til værtslande, selvom processen er lang og kompliceret.

Et særligt projekt involverer unge fra forskellige europæiske lande, der arbejder sammen med børnehavebørn, flygtninge og akademiske myndigheder for at ændre holdninger til flygtninge. Gennem workshops og dataindsamling fra flygtninge udvikler gymnasieelever materialer, der skal hjælpe børnehavebørn med at få en positiv opfattelse af flygtninge. Børnene får dermed indsigt i de udfordringer, flygtninge står over for, og bidrager til at reducere fordomme. Resultaterne testes ved at undersøge, om børnehavebørnenes holdninger ændrer sig gennem projektet.

Projektet trækker på elevernes kompetencer inden for litteratur, kunst og digitale medier og bidrager samtidig til en bæredygtig social udvikling og sammenhængskraft i Europa. Resultaterne vil ikke kun have indflydelse på deltagernes samfund, men også levere værdifuld viden til fremtidige integrationsstudier.

About the GREAT project

According to Forced Displacement 2016 report of UNHCR,20 people are displaced every minute as a result of persecution, conflict, and violence.Apart from the economic aspect, there is also a social and cultural impacts of refugees to host countries.The impacts can be positive or negative to the host(UNHCR, 2004) Positive and negative factors are complex and depending on several factors, including the political economy of hosting countries, urban-rural interactions, and the nature of host refugee relations.Host countries seems to get many funding from organizations like NATO,UN for the basic needs of the refugees. But there are a few organization focuses on the problems of both refugees and the hosting countries face during the integration process. EU tries to shed light on the problems faced by the refugees and hosting countries by supporting the attempts to integrate the refugees into the existing societies. Although these attempts are complicated, long termed, they are vital for healthy integration.In this relationship development process, the young members of society should be set to work. Thus, the young can also change their biased, negative thoughts by helping preschool kids to develop positive thoughts to refugees. With this project, what we are trying to do is to start a long term attitude changing process.The students take part in the project will be aware of the problems the refugees faced in society, reveal pre-school kids perceptions about refugees.They'll go through many informative sessions and produce an outcome for the kids with the help of the data gathered from refugees in multinational teams. At the end of this process, they will have a chance to witness an inquiry process, test if pre-school children changed their attitudes towards refugees with their work.This project will put all components of societies together; high school students from many European countries, pre school students, refugees, academic authorities.Cohesive societies that we aim to create with this project is also focused on by European Culture Forum.The year2018 is declared as the European Year of Cultural Heritage focusing on children and young people, who will be guardians of our heritage for the next generations. A positive attitude towards refugee will be developed by using our students skills in literature, art and digital platforms.And this will have a contribution to sustainable social development of European Culture. In the report(Forced Displacement 2016, UNHCR),it was stated Turkey hosted the largest number of refugees worldwide, with 2.9 million people, while the rest of the European countries hosted 2.3million refugees.The statistics supports the healthy integration of refugees is an urgent topic for Turkey and the same crisis is a matter of time for European countries. The findings of the final academic paper will shed light to the further studies and have implications for host nations. So, this attempt of us should be supported by an intergovernmental organization.

In-school objectives

We expect each school engage its students with a number of extracurricular and meaningful activities that will lead them to reach final product,STORY BOOK.To ensure the quality of this goal, a number of SEMINARS will be given. Objectives are also overlapping with European Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning that was introduced in 2006 by the European Parliament. According to this framework, our in- school objectives address these competences: Communication in the mother tongue, Learning to learn, Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.The students will take their own responsibility on learning how to write a story, how to illustrate it, increase their communication both in mother and foreign language with extracurricular learning events provided in this project. Students will turn their ideas into action which will give them a sense of initiative.

Transnational objectives

To develop national sense of European unity, a number of activities are added to transnational objectives.To integrate the refugees into the existing societies requires constant attempts but they are really important for healthy integration.To develop an understanding to this problem, and to formulate better policies, we think we should start from our context. With this project the students will listen the voice of refugees, produce a remedy for the existing problem in society and this is one of the outcomes of this project; a story book with an international collaboration. In LTTs, the students from each country will come together and form a mixed group of Writers/ illustrators/ designers to write/ draw/ design a refugee story for the kids.These activities will address to develop Social and civic competences and communication in foreign language competence.Transnational competences that we aimed to improve in this project are requirements for 20th century citizens to realize their personal fulfillment, social inclusion, active citizenship in societies. Apart from international collaboration, these students will have put their existing digital and artistic skills into practice to make a contribution to social inclusion of the refugees in a European platform.This will enable Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences of the students.

Academical objectives

Attempts to develop basic competences in social science are among the objectives of this project. Both teachers and students will be familiar to the social sciences research techniques. Starting from defining a problem, they will produce a remedy and investigate whether the remedy has worked or not. All the process will be on record. The interviews with a refugee will be videotaped, transcripted. The contextual analysis will be made; the pre-post tests will be applied to the POSTER will be published and sent to seminars/ journals. that will be linked to our priority of Promoting the acquisition of inqury skills.

Køge Business College, Denmark - coordinator

Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio - Braga, Portugal

ITCG deffenu - Olbia, Sardinia, Italy

Liceul Tehnologic "Stefan Hell" Santana - Santana, Romania

ÖZEL ÇAĞDAŞ OKULLARI - Eskisehir, Turkey

Meeting with the Mayor of Køge Municipality, Marie Stærke.

The Erasmus+ “GREAT” project team with the cooperation of Center for Danish and Integration(CDI) had the opportunity to share their impressions of Denmark/Køge as well as to become acquainted with the Køge Municipality’s tasks and responsibilities.

Project work in Olbia, Sardinia

In collaboration with Køge Business College and CDI (Center for Dansk og Integration), the Learning, Teaching, and Training Activities of the Erasmus+ project “inteGREATing stories” were successfully conducted in Olbia, Sardinia. Pupils from Sardinia, Denmark, Romania, Portugal, and Turkey collaborated to design the graphic layout of our project's final product: a book of refugee stories. They also had the opportunity to explore Sardinian history, language, culture, customs, and traditions.

Staff training visist in Denmark

Our dear Erasmus+ “GREAT” friends and project partners are visiting Denmark for short-term joint staff training

Visit to the cooperation Erasmus+ “GREAT”project partner, Center for Dansk og Integration (CDI), where the project meeting participants from Italy, Turkey, Portugal and Romania got to know about the integration of refugees in Køge.

“GREAT” website and social media accounts:

Facebook page:

Instagram account: integreating.stories

Project website:

eTwinning: inteGREATing stories - KA 229 - (2020-1-DK01-KA229-075085)


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Center for Dansk og Integration

Ølbycenter 53 

4600 Køge

CVR: 29 18 93 74

Telefon: 56 67 66 60


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