AI SMM Piloting Artificial Intelligence for integration and prosperity through social media marketing education.
Summary of the project (in Danish):
Ved at fremme brugen af ikke-formel uddannelse og markedsføring via sociale medier som et redskab til social innovation og entreprenørskab, sigter projektet mod at styrke inklusionen og beskæftigelsesmulighederne for voksne med færre muligheder, samtidig med at det fremmer deres professionelle udvikling og kompetencer inden for AI, medier og socialt entreprenørskab.
Projektet vil implementere følgende ressourcer og aktiviteter:
- Guide til digital inklusion af voksne med færre muligheder
- E-læringsplatform med fokus på AI-drevet markedsføring på sociale medier
- Træningskursus om AI-drevne uddannelsesværktøjer
Projektet implementeres af:
Center for Dansk og Integration (Danmark), Asturia (Belgien), DIGI Mind Sphere S.R.L (Italien), Xeración Valencia (Spanien), SMART AI SOLUTIONS SINGLE MEMBER P.C. (Grækenland), Volunteers Centre Skopje (Makedonien).
About the AI SMM project
By promoting the use of non-formal education and social media marketing as a tool for social innovation and entrepreneurship, the project aims to foster the inclusion and employability of adult people with fewer opportunities, while promoting their professional development and competences in the field of AI, media and social entrepreneurship.
The project will implement the following resources and activities:
Guide for digital inclusion of adults with fewer opportunities
E-learning platform focused on AI driven Social Media Marketing
Training course on AI-driven educational tools
The project is implemented by: Center for Dansk og Integration (Denmark), Asturia (Belgium), DIGI Mind Sphere S.R.L (Italy), Xeracion Valencia (Spain), SMART AI SOLUTIONS SINGLE MEMBER P.C. (Greece), Volunteers Centre Skopje (Macedonia)
Project “AI SMM” is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, through Key Action 2 – KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education.
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